Android #13
Race: Android
Info: The main villain of movie #7, Android #13 and his two companions #14 and #15 travel back in time to complete Dr. Gero's primary objective: Kill Son Goku. He faces off against Son while the other Z warriors deal with his minions. After Trunks and Vegeta defeat #14 and #15, their power cells and CPUs are absorbed by #13, who then turns into a huge, bright blue hulk. He is defeated when Goku absorbs his own Genki-dama in SSJ form.
Android #14
Race: Android
Info: A muscular android, #14 faces off against Trunks in movie #7. He is devoid of any personality, and lacks intelligence. Trunks eventually slices him in half with his sword.
Android #15
Race: Android
Info: #15 is a small, whiskey-gulping android that solos Vegeta in movie #7. He is generally annoyed by his partner #14. Vegeta decapitates him later in the movie.
Android #16
Race: Android
Info: Android #16 is one of the oddest characters in DBZ, and he seems deeper and more complex than most characters on the show. Created by Dr. Gero as an experiment, #16 was never meant to be activated. Unlike his counterparts, he was not based on a human model and is completely mechanical. The most powerful of the three androids, #16 only exists in the main DBZ timeline. Very nature loving and quiet, he rarely ever fights unless it is absolutely necessary.
Android #17
Race: Android
Info: Created for one sole purpose, #17's mission is to destroy Goku. Constructed from a human base, #17 is not completely mechanical. Initially under the control of Dr. Gero, he breaks free and kills him. Even with his creator destroyed, #17's internal programming still gives him the urge to search for Goku and destroy him. This objective is soon put behind him when he is forced to run for his life from Cell. An adept fighter, #17 makes a reappearance in GT as a villain.
Android #18
Race: Android
Info: #17's twin sister, #18 has identical fighting strength. Like her brother, she is also created from a human base. During her escape from Cell, Kuririn falls in love with her. To #18's surprise, Kuririn wishes for the bomb inside her to be removed with the Dragon Balls. They eventually marry and have a daughter named Marron.
Android #19
Race: Android
Info: Android #19 is Dr. Gero's personal servant and bodyguard. He is not too intelligent or strong, but possesses the ability to sap the energy from Ki attacks and physical contact. #19's downfall is that he runs out of power and needs to refill his batteries constantly. This eventually leads to his destruction.
Android #20
Race: Android
Info: Back when Goku had obliterated the Red Ribbon Army, a solitary scientist named Dr. Gero worked hard to create warriors capable of defeating this powerful boy. He toils for decades, but his work finally comes to fruition three years after the defeat of Freeza. Fearing death, he has his mind implanted in one of his androids shells, and becomes #20. Dr. Gero is responsible for the creation of Cell and all the other androids bearing the Red Ribbon logo, and like his servant #19, he can absorb energy from attacks and physical contact.
Race: ?
Info: Very fast and somewhat powerful, Baata is the largest member of the Ginyu force. Usually teaming up with Jisu for his attacks, he is still a successful fighter alone.
Race: Ma-jin
Info: Son of the dark mage Bibidi, he uses the evil energy permeated by his slaves Vegeta and Doubler to break the seal on Buu's capsule. Babidi has but one aim: Get revenge for his father's death (Same motive as Garlic Jr). In a twist of irony, Buu turns on Babidi when he realizes that there's no reason to listen to him.
Race: Saiya-jin
Info: The father of Goku, Bardock is hit with a strange attack that gives him the power to see into the future. He learns of Freeza's plot to destroy Planet Vegeta, and attempts to stop him before it is too late. Unfortunately, Bardock proves no match for the small purple villain, and is vaporized while attempting to stop Freeza's planet destroying energy ball. In his last moments of life he tells his son that it must be him who defeats Freeza, so that a he would die at a Saiyajin's hand.
Race: ?
Info: Bojack is a very strong villian and is not to be taken lightly. He wears a bandanna and his skin is a blue-green color, and he is the main villian is movie 9. Bojack takes over a martial arts contest and beats on the Z warriors. However, Gohan, with the aid of his father, eventually defeats this villain.
Race: Saiya-jin
Info: The original Super Saiyajin, Brolly exhibits tremendous power, even as an infant. When Planet Vegeta is destroyed by Freeza, it is this power that keep him and his father alive. Before his home planet's destruction, he is traumatized by the constant crying of his crib mate, Goku, and develops an instinctual hatred of him.Years later, Brolly begins his rampage on the universe under his father's command. In order to divert suspicion, Brolly's father actually employs the help of Vegeta and the rest of the Z warriors to find the cause of all this chaos. Brolly's grudge against Goku reveals the plot however, and after the battle Brolly is thought to be destroyed. However, his hatred is strong enough to allow Brolly to come to Planet Earth in movie #10, where he is finally killed. He makes a THIRD appearance when he is cloned in movie #11, and is transformed into a large gelataenous green blob.
Race: Monkey
Info: Bubbles is the North Kaio's pet monkey. His job is to act as the preliminary test in Kaio's martial arts training by running away from trainees and forcing them to chase him. He's a very fast, playful monkey, and he does not speak much.
Race: Human
Info: Bulma is the second character (after Goku) to be introduced into the Dragon Ball series. She hits Goku (and the fish he was carrying) while driving through the woods, searching for the mystical "Dragonballs." She eventually persuades Goku to come along with her, and thought that he would make a good bodyguard. Bulma has blue hair, and is the mother of Trunks. Although Bulma has no skills as a fighter, she is a genius with all sorts of electronics, alien and domestic.
Race: Android
Info: A creation of Dr. Gero's, he was assembled using the DNA from the best fighters in the universe. The project was taking too long, and he abandoned the project. However, Dr. Gero's computer remained working, even after his death. Cell was completed a few years after Mirai Trunks had destroyed #17 and #18 in his time, which Cell needed to absorb to become "perfect." Seeing there was no solution to this problem in his time, Cell murdered Trunks and traveled back to when the androids still existed. Cell eventually finds what he's looking for, and goes perfect. He holds a game where he challenges anyone in the world to fight him, or else the Earth would be destroyed. Cell is killed by Gohan with a one-handed Kame Hame Ha.
Cell Juniors
Race: Android
Info: Spawns of Cell, each Cell Jr. is a formidable fighter. Seven of these little punks are created to wreck havoc on the Cell Game. They viciously beat on the Z warriors until Gohan reaches SSJ2. The Cell Jr.'s share most of Cell's abilities, but are fairly mindless in their youth. Each and every last one is slaughtered by Gohan.
Race: Human?
Info: A master telepath, Chaozu has the power to stop people in their tracks or communicate long-distance. Small and pale, he and Tenshinhan are the best of friends (They call each other brothers). Although he puts up a good fight in the original Dragonball series, his power level does not increase much with training; thus he is unable to keep up with the other Z warriors.
Chi chi
Race: Human
Info: Chi-Chi is mother to Gohan and Goten and the spouse of Goku. She feels very strongly about Gohan's studies and will stop at nothing to get him to continue his work; she mainly spends her time worrying about Gohan's academics. No matter how powerful Goku becomes, he still is very subserviant to his worrisome wife.
Dai Kaio
Race: Kaio
Info: Overseer of the galaxy tournament, Dai Kaio appears in movie #12. He's very much into rock music and quite often wears something casual. Although he would never admit it, his power is nothing compared to the Z warriors.
Race: Namek-jin
Info: The lone survivor of his village, Dende was rescued by Kuririn and Gohan from death in the Freeza saga (Although he later does get killed). After Kami merges with Piccolo, Dende assumes the role of Kami on earth, and creates his own set of Dragonballs. Unlike Piccolo and the other warrior Nameks, Dende is a healer. He has no fighting abilities, but posesses the power to heal others from the brink of death.
Race: ?
Info: Dodoria is one of Freeza's bodyguard warriors. Dodoria is a huge pink fighter who shows absolutely no mercy to those weaker than him. Although he is fairly strong for the time he is around, he is no match for Vegeta. He also tends to only pick on people weaker than him, such as Dende, and the other Nameks.
Race: Demon?
Info: Lord of the underworld, Doubler was possessed by the dark mage Babidi to do his bidding. At roughly the same power level as Cell in his perfect form, he is quite a fearsome opponent. Doubler can change his enemies into stone, and will not hesitate to obey his master's commands.
Dr. Briefs
Race: Human
Info: Dr. Briefs is the founder and CEO of the Capsule Corporation. He is the genius responsible for creating many of the handy devices that Bulma uses on her adventures. Everything in the series that is spawned from one of those dynamic capsules was invented by either Dr. Briefs or Bulma. Dr. Briefs plays a pretty small role in the story, and is often used as comic relief.
Dr. Wheelo
Race: Robot (was Human)
Info: Dr. Wheelo is the main villian in the Dragonball Z movie, World's Strongest. He is a genius brain that had been preserved by his loyal assistant. He planned to get himself transfered into the strongest body in the world, which he thought was that of Master Roshi, but in fifty years, Goku became the strongest. He held Goku captive, hoping to be able to transfer his knowledge into Goku's body. Dr. Wheelo, in his mech form, is more powerful than the Z fighters combined.
East Kaiosama
Race: Kaio
Info: The only female Kaio in the series, she claims to be the fastest hover-bike rider in the universe. Her students participate in the Anoyoichi Budoukai, but don't fare very well.
East Kaioshin
Race: Kaioshin
Info: The highest diety remaining after Buu's slaughter of the other gods, Kaioshin comes to Earth during the Budoukai to warn Goku about Babidi's plan to revive Buu. His power is comparable to the Z warriors, as he is by far the most powerful being in heaven. Kaioshin is shocked that Goku and Vegeta surpass him, as to him they are merely mortals.
Fat Buu
Race: Demon?
Info: The demon known as Buu was created five million years ago by the dark mage Bibidi. As Buu began attacking the universe, the five overgods (Kaioshins) attempted to destroy him. Three of the Kaioshins were killed, and the Dai Kaioshin was absorbed, becoming a permanent part of the demon (and thus making him fat in appearence). Unlike most absorbtions, the Dai Kaioshin maintained some control over Buu. The West Kaioshin, the one remaining overgod, killed Bibidi, thus freeing Buu from his control. In order to prevent this from occuring again, Buu was sealed in an egg-shaped chamber and sent to the Earth. When Babidi, Bibidi's son, summons Buu, he is once again forced to perform evil acts.
Race: Changeling
Info: One of the most powerful warriors in the universe, he runs a group of criminals who clear life from habitable planets and then sell the worlds to the highest bidder. Already untouchable in the universe, he wants to make his power everlasting. His quest for immortality brings him to Planet Namek, where he has heard of seven magic Dragon Balls that will grant any wish. As a Changeling, Freeza has numerous stages of power, each with its own distinct appearance. He has four forms total: His first is weak, but wastes little energy; the second is enormous and twice as powerful; the third looks very much like the queen from "Aliens;" and Freeza's fourth, "true" form is small again, but much sleeker (and of course, more powerful). After he is defeated by Son Goku, his remains are encased in a android body. Freeza operates off of Planet Freeza, where his men are stationed (Including the powerful Ginyu Force).
Garlic Jr.
Race: Makyo-jin
Info: A short goblin-like creature, Garlic Jr. is the son of Garlic Sr, who once challenged Kami-sama for the throne of God. After the battle for heaven, Garlic Sr. is sent into a vast Dead Zone where he eventually dies. Wanting to avenge his father's death, Garlic Jr. gathers the Dragon Balls and wishes for eternal life. In movie #1, he does battle with Goku, Piccolo, and Kame, and is sucked into his own Dead Zone. However, unlike his father, he manages to survive the dark and cold dimension, and returns after Freeza is defeated. Once again, he imprisons himself in the Dead Zone while attempting to absorb heaven into the void.
Race: ?
Info: Garlic's green-skinned, red-eyed demon minion. Killed by Goku in Movie 1.
Race: ?
Info: Leader of the Ginyu force, he is by far the strongest of them all. It is not known whether the body he first appears with is his original form, as he has to power to swap bodies with other people.
Race: 50% Saiya-jin / 50% Human
Info: Son of Goku, he is initially trained by Piccolo after the battle with Radditz. He looks up to Piccolo for being such a great fighter, and trys to immitate him by wearing similar clothes. He has the potential to become the most powerful being in the universe, yet since he cannot always fully utilize his strength, he can be defeated. Gohan is the first Saiya-jin to go SSJ2, but after the Cell saga he spends little time training and focuses on his studies.
Race: Saiya-jin
Info: A favorite character among fans, Gogita is the fusion of Goku and Vegeta without the Potarra earrings. He makes a short appearance in DBZ movie #12, and several more occasions in DBGT. Gogita doesn't waste a moment in battle, quite different from Gotenks and Vegetto who enjoy taking their sweet time.
Race: Saiya-jin
Info: The main character of Dragonball, and a substantial role in DBZ, Goku is sent to Earth as an infant so he can prepare it to be sold. He could easily eliminate all life on the planet, but he falls into a ravine and hits his head a a baby. Now with his orders lost, Goku becomes a friendly boy who fights on the side of good. He is not too intelligent, but a natural when it comes to the martial arts and manipulating his Ki. By far, Goku has the most abilities of any of the Z warriors (Cell is the only character with more). He marries Chi-Chi, daughter of Gyuu Mao; and together they have two sons, Gohan and Goten.
Race: 50% Saiya-jin & 50% Human
Info: Goten is the second son of Goku and Chi-Chi. He and Trunks spend most of their time together, and are very good friends. Goten exhibited high power when he went Super Saiya-jin at the age of seven. He bears a very strong resemblance of Goku; and wears a miniture version of Goku's karate Gi. Goten is usually happy, but has a habit for throwing tantrums to get something he wants.
Race: 50% Saiya-jin & 50% Human
Info: Gotenks is the creature that results after Trunks and Goten perform the fusion dance. He has a tendency to over-dramatisize the situation a bit (Alright, a lot), and makes up names for all of his attacks. Since Gotenks is young and naive, he believes that he can defeat anyone. Most of his assaults are incredibily stupid and ineffective, but he'll squeeze in a few that do some damage.
Race: Bas-jin
Info: The weakest member of the Ginyu force, he makes up for his lack of strength with his ability to manipulate time and space. Able to read minds and control objects with his mind, he can easily topple a much stronger foe.
Race: ?
Info: Hildegarn is described as a giant eternal demon who has terrorized the universe for centuries. In DBZ Movie #13, the story is told that he devastated the home planet of that movie's heroes, Tapion and Minosha, nearly exterminating their race. Since Tapion's people lacked the power to destory Hildegarn, they used a magical song, played by Tapion on his ocarina, to temporarily control Hildegarn and split him into two etheric halves. When this was done, they sealed Hildegarn's top half into Tapion and his lower half into Tapion's brother Minosha. In Movie 13, the box which contains all of this is opened on Earth, thus releasing Tapion and allowing for Hildegarn's great escape. In the end, Hildegarn is killed when Goku debuts his awesome Ryu Ken (Dragon Fist).
Race: Demon
Info: The villain of movie #12, Janemba starts as a very playful fat apparition, looking a lot like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man. This seemingly harmless form becomes a smaller red-colored demon with a nasty sword. He takes fighting more seriously and loses his jestful nature. Janemba is incredibly powerful, and neither Goku nor Vegeta can beat him at full strength.
Race: ?
Info: One of the odder members of the Ginyu force, Jisu has fairly well-rounded abilities. Not extremely fast or powerful, he makes up for it with the careful balance he has between the two. He and Baata normally team up to form their attacks.
Kame Sennin
Race: Human
Info: A dirty old man who took a potion that granted him eternal life (or so he claims), Kame-sennin is a master at the martial arts. However, Kame normally spends his time trying to get a peek at women (He owns the world's largest pornography collection). The first person to train Goku and Kuririn extensively, Kame is responsible for their great strength at such an early age.
Kami Sama
Race: Namek-jin
Info: Sent to planet Earth when his homeworld Namek was about to be hit by a comet, Kami-sama created the Dragonballs on the new world. He wanted to be pure good and so he purged his evil and 'impure' side. Unfortunately, his evil thoughts formed into Piccolo-Daimao. They have a spiritual link, so if one of the two dies, both of them die. As the guardian of Earth and creator of the Dragonballs on Earth, Kami plays a key role in the story.
Karin Sama
Race: Cat
Info: Grower of the rejuvinating Senzu beans and guardian of the holy water, Karin lives in a tower that hangs just below Kami-sama's lookout. Being weak physically, Karin-sama is quite wise and intelligent. (Yet quite submissive if scratched under his chin). We see him little, but helps out quite often with his injury healing beans.
Race: Kaioshin?
Info: Possesing little physical power, Kaioshin's assistant Kibito has the ability to transport himself and others to any other part of the universe. He serves Kaioshin unquestionably, and eventually fuses with his master via the Potara earings.
King Cold
Race: Changeling
Info: The father of Freeza and Koola, King Cold comes upon the remains of his son after hearing of his defeat. Believing that Freeza's loss must have been a fluke, he journies to Earth in hopes of getting revenge. King Cold is stopped in his tracks by a mysterious teenager, who blows a hole in his torso.
Race: Changeling
Info: Keeping a close watch on his brother Freeza, Koola was sure that Goku would be defeated. After Freeza was killed, Koola heads to Earth to finish off the last of the "Saiya-jin trash" in movie #5. Similiar to Freeza in abilities, Koola can change into a 5th form, one more than his brother.
Race: Human
Info: Kuririn is the most powerful human on Earth, although his abilities are still dwarfed by Goku and Gohan. He was once Goku's rival when they were young, but they later became best friends. A Buddhist monk, he shaves his head by choice (#18 convinces him to grow some hair later in the series). Kuririn is willing to sacrifice his life for Earth (and he has many times), and whenever possible he is at Goku's side.
Race: Human
Info: Marron is the daughter of Kuririn and Android 18. She is born very late in Dragon Ball Z, and plays a small role in Dragon Ball GT. In the anime, Marron is named after Kuririn's girlfriend of the same name from the Garlic Jr. Saga of Dragon Ball Z (this is a Toei add-in, Kuririn has no girlfriend prior to #18 in the manga).
Metal Koola
Race: Robot
Info: After being blasted by Goku into the sun, Koola's remains are found by the Big Ghetti Star in movie #6. Assimilating his brain into itself, the Big Ghetti Star was now controlled by Koola. Unable to fight in his badly damaged state, Koola used the giant metal planetoid to create metal clones of his original form. These replicas, known as Metal Koolas, can regenerate from a reserve of metal in their bodies. Flaws in the Metal Koolas are instantly corrected when they are found, making each robot a very formidable opponent.
Race: ?
Info: Tapion's younger brother, Minosha plays a role in a flashback in movie #13. He is possessed by Hildegarn's lower half, and loses his battle to the monster. Goku avenges him later in the movie.
Mrs. Briefs
Race: Human
Info: Mrs. Briefs is the wife of Dr. Briefs and the mother of Bulma. She plays a very small role in the story, but talks a lot. She has the sunniest disposition in the series, and is impecably nice to everyone. She even digs Vegeta when she first meets him. And for some reason, she almost never opens her eyes. Very strange...
Race: Namek-jin
Info: The strongest warrior-type Namek on his homeworld, Nail is the bodyguard of the Great Elder. He looks almost identical to Piccolo, but his personality is very different from the demonic Ma Jr. Freeza easily takes him out with only one arm, but Nail succeeds in delaying the villain as Gohan, Kuririn, and Dende make their wish.
Race: Saiya-jin
Info: Nappa is Vegeta's partner when they come to Earth. His power level (at the time) is far greater than any of the Z fighters. Nappa is, along with Vegeta, an Elite class Sayain. He is very tall and very buff, especially in comparison to his partner. Nappa is also very stubborn, and not very smart. This makes Vegeta angry. Once Nappa is crippled by Goku, Vegeta kills him, in honor of the Sayajins.
Race: ?
Info: Garlic's blue-skinned, apple-eating minion. Killed by Goku in Movie 1.
North Kaiosama
Race: Kaio
Info: One of the four gods of the galaxy where Earth resides, Lord Kaio lives at the end of Snake Way on a tiny planet with tremendous gravity. Always confusing the Z warriors with his horrible puns, he's an excellent martial arts teacher (Although his methods are rather unorthodox). He lives with his pet monkey Bubbles and pupil Gregory. Using his antennae he is able to locate and communicate with others from a great distance, and often gives the Z warriors helpful advice.
Race: Pig
Info: Though Oolong may change into any form he wishes, he can't really fight in any form. He doesn't aquire any special skills from what he transforms into, and he can not stay disguised for more than five minutes. In a fight Oolong is more of a spectator than help, he is considered a coward. He's also a quite a pervert, always trying to get a peek at women, especially Bulma.
Ox King (Gyuu Mao)
Race: Human?
Info: The Ox King (Gyuu Mao) appears here and there throughout the series. He knows Kame-sennin because he had trained with Gohan (Goku's foster Grandfather) when Kame was still a pupil of his. We usually get to see him verbally abused by his own daughter Chi-Chi.
Race: ?
Info: West Kaio-sama's best student, Paikuhan battles his way to the final round with Goku in the Anoyoichi Budoukai. Nearly Goku's match, he is eventually defeated. Paikuhan is a collected individual, and rarely shows anger. He makes a cameo in movie #12, where he is given the task of cursing at Janemba's giant jelly prison to free Enma-sama and the rest of Heaven.
Race: 75% Human & 25% Saiya-jin
Info: Pan, also known as Pan-Chan, is Goku's granddaughter and first appears at the end of the DBZ series. She is the most powerful female in all of Dragonball. Pan is 1/4 Saiyajin, and she is Gohan and Videl's daughter. Pan is very adventurous, and can get into trouble, usually with Trunks and Chibi Goku. Trunks, Goku, and Pan go everywhere together, she is the little sister they never had.
Race: Saiya-jin
Info: The father of Brolly, Paragas is saved by his infant son's latent powers when Planet Vegeta is obliterated. Only an average warrior, he relies on his brain-washed son for protection. He asks Vegeta to rule "New Vegeta," thus occupying our prince Saiya-jin and masking Paragas' true plan of universal domination.
Race: Namek-jin
Info: The Piccolo in the DBZ series is the sole offspring of Piccolo-Daimao from the original. Like his father, his intentions are evil. However, when Raditz threatens the Earth, he turns to the side of good and helps Goku. He later trains Gohan, and the kid helps Piccolo become a good, well-meaning person. Capable of regenerating body parts and manipulating his size and shape, Piccolo is a formidable fighter.
Race: Genie
Info: Mr. Popo is Kami's best friend and assistant. Although he does not look like much, he is a powerful fighter. He wears a white turban with an oval shaped gem in the center, and travels sometimes by means of flying carpet or teleportation.
Race: Cat
Info: Yamcha's pet and close friend, Puaru aids him in robbing people that cross their desert. Unlike Oolong, who can only shape-shift for 5 minutes, Puaru can change for as long as he wants (He graduated shape-shifting school). Like Oolong however, his power does not increase when he has changed into another form. Even with the ability to fly (another skill Oolong lacks), Puaru is normally just on the sidelines when a fight breaks out.
Race: Saiya-jin
Info: The weakest of the surviving Saiyajins, he is ordered to check on Goku and see why Earth was not ready to be sold yet. Finding that Goku had forgotten his mission, he kidnapps Gohan. Although at that time Raditz's power level is greater then that of Goku or Piccolo, his ignorance makes allows him to be defeated.
Race: ?
Info: Large and well-built, Rikum has great physical strength. Fairly slow moving, he can be taken on by a faster, smaller opponent quite easily. Intelligent, witty, and head-strong, Rikum is always willing to fight.
Rou Daikaioshin
Race: Kaioshin
Info: A Dai Kaioshin from many generations before DBZ takes place, Rou Dai Kaioshin is released from the Zed sword to give Gohan a power upgrade. Like many figure heads with power in Dragon Ball, he is a pervert, and only agrees to aid Gohan if he gets to touch Bulma. He later gives up his life so that Goku may live again.
Race: ?
Info: Garlic's big, purple-skinned demon minion. Killed by Piccolo in Movie 1.
Race: Human
Info: Sporting a large fro, Mr. Satan is the strongest man on Earth who cannot manipulate ki. After taking credit for defeating Cell, he becomes an international sensation (Although we all know that Goku and Gohan are the true heroes). A coward by nature, Mr. Satan relies on his luck and loads of money to defeat his opponents. He has a single daughter named Videl, who becomes much stronger than her father.
Race: Dragon
Info: Shenron is the eternal dragon of the Earth Dragon Balls. He is summoned many times throughout the Dragon Ball series. Shenron is the dragon responsible for granting many pivotal wishes in the series, including: Oolong's wish for women's panties; restoration of Piccolo-Daimao's full power; revival of Goku for the fight with Vegeta and Nappa; Bulma's wish to revive the people killed by Majin Vegeta; and the revival of Bora. Shenron splits into the seven Evil beings in the Evil Shenron Saga of Dragon Ball GT. He merges with Goku at the end of GT, granting him ultimate power.
Race: Namek-jin
Info: Slug is the main villain in Dragonball Z movie four. Unlike Piccolo, he did not split into two beings when his spirit was tainted, and became pure evil. Slug is very old at the beginning of the movie, but becomes young again when his wish is fulfilled by the Dragon Balls. When he takes some damage from the Z warriors, he reveals his ultimate form. Slug becomes a giant Namek comparable in size to an Oozaru. Like most movie villains, the Z warriors kill him off.
South Kaiosama
Race: Kaio
Info: An arrogant god, the Kaio of the South has a rivalry with the Kaio of the North. Of course, Goku's strength completely outmatches his best student, Papoi.
Super Android 13
Race: Android
Info: #13's second form. After Trunks and Vegeta defeat #14 and #15, their power cells and CPUs are absorbed by #13, who then turns into a huge, bright blue hulk. He is defeated when Goku absorbs his own Genki-dama in SSJ form.
Super Buu
Race: Demon?
Info: Super Buu comes into existance after Thin Buu eats his Fat adversary in chocolate form. Since Fat Buu imprisoned within this new being's body, his personality does not have as much influence over the host. Hence, this is a much nastier form. Super Buu eventually absorbs Piccolo, Gotenks, and Gohan. As you can see, he possesses an innumerable list of techniques from his acquisitions (Obviously, he does not use all of them in the series).
Race: ?
Info: Possessed by the demon Hildegarn, Tapion is a master with his sword. His strength is nothing when compared to Goku, but he unobjectionably sacrifices his freedom in order to keep Hildegarn at bay. Tapion is strikingly similar to Link from "Ocarina of Time," right down to the sword and ocarina. The blade that he wields is handed down to Trunks after Hildegarn is vanquished.
Race: Human?
Info: Tenshinhan is Chaozu's chief bodyguard. His powers revolve around deception and multiplying various body parts. Tenshinhan is the developer of numerous techniques such as the Taiyoken and Kikoho. The "three-eyed man", even though he makes few appearances later on, still plays a decent roll in Dragonball.
Thin Buu
Race: Demon?
Info: When two thugs shoot Mr. Satan in the heart, Fat Buu releases his evil, forming his opposite, Thin Buu. A being of pure evil, it is identical to its innocent counterpart in all but appearance. This form does not last very long, as Thin Buu soon devours his better half.
Race: 50% Human & 50% Saiya-jin
Info: Trunks is the first child of Vegeta and Bulma. There are two Trunks in the DB universe; "Future Trunks" comes from a parallel universe 14 years in the future where evil androids rule the Earth. He goes back in time after the death of Freeza to prepare the Z warriors for the androids' arrival. So as not to prevent his own birth, he tells no one of his heritage, except Goku. "Chibi Trunks" is born a little before Future Trunks returns to his own time. He likes to hang out with Goten and they are very good friends. When he and Goten are together, he has a tendency to get them in trouble. Trunks is also sad that he does not have a brother like Goten does (Gohan). Trunks has purple hair and displays extreme levels of power, he reaches Super Saiya-jin when he is eight. Despite Trunks' ability to get Goten and himself in trouble, he means well.
Race: Saiya-jin
Info: Little is known of Turles' origins, other than the fact that he is a Saiya-jin, and looks an awful lot like Goku. He could be his brother, a cousin, or even a clone; it is still unknown to this day. He comes to the earth with his cronies in movie #3 and plants the Shinseiju (Tree of Might in the dub) to sap the Earth's life force for himself. Turles admires Gohan, and even attempts to force him into servitude. Like all movie villains, he is eventually vanquished by the Z warriors.
Umi Game
Race: Turtle
Info: Kame-sennin's turtle, Umi-game constantly complains about his master's actions (And with good cause). He tries to keep Roshi in line around the ladies, but his objections usually result in a scolding.
Urunai Baba
Race: Human?
Info: Kame-sennin's sister, the witch Baba uses her magic crystal ball to see any place on Earth and into the future. She also has the unique ability to travel between Earth and Heaven without dying (Like Kami-sama).
Race: Human
Info: Uubu is the good-hearted human reincarnation of Majin Buu. He inherits Mr. Satan's title of World's Greatest Fighter, and faces Goku at the 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai. At first, he appears not to have any great power, but Goku enrages him and he begins to fight with tremendous strength, to the point that he actually hurts Goku with a kick to the arm and strike to the chest. Goku trains with him for several years after the tournament, and he plays a fairly large role in DBGT.
Race: Saiya-jin
Info: Born on the planet bearing his own name, Vegeta has the bloodline to become a super-elite Saiya-jin. A henchman of Freeza, he is regarded as one of the greatest fighters in the universe. Along with Goku, Radditz, and Nappa, Vegeta is one of the only Saiya-jins to survive the destruction of his home world. He is extremely jealous of Goku's superior fighting ability, and actually helps him from time to time so that he still has someone to compete with. Vegeta craves nothing more than ultimate power until the very end of DBZ.
Race: Saiya-jin
Info: With the use of the Potara earrings, Vegeta and Goku become Vegetto. Although he is not as arrogant as Gotenks, he does waste a lot of time, and his opponents often take advantage of this. The fusion is supposed to be permanent, but the laws of physics change once they enter Kid Buu. Vegetto differs from Gogeta, as Vegeta is the dominant form in the fusion.
Race: Human
Info: Videl is Gohan's girlfriend and attends the same high school as he does. Gohan teaches Videl how to fly and fight, and she often helps the Great Saiyaman in his rounds. Chi-Chi wants Videl to marry her son, and does not hide her intentions. Videl and Gohan eventually marry, and have a baby girl named Pan.
West Kaiosama
Race: Kaio
Info: The Kaio from the West end of the galaxy always has something to prove. His best student, Paikuhan, is almost as powerful as Son Goku himself. He constantly boasts that his warriors are the best in the galaxy, but is proved wrong (though just barely) in the Anoyoichi Budoukai.
Race: Human
Info: Although fearful and glutenous, Yajirobe is unsurpassed by anyone in sword control. His blade mastery hardly makes up for his inability to control his Ki or even to fly, yet it does come in handy when all else fails. Living at Karin Tower, he is often the deliverer of Senzu beans to the Z warriors.
Race: Human
Info: Yamcha is first introduced as a desert bandit that robs people as they pass through his wasteland abode. When he comes upon Goku and friends, he finds out about the Dragonballs and tags along so he can make a wish. (He gets very nervous around girls) However, he gets used to Bulma on their journeys, and loses his fear of women. He and Bulma are together for most of Dragonball and half of DBZ. Yamcha does not train much after the encounter with the Saiya-jins, yet remains capable fighter.
Race: ?
Info: Zarbon is Freeza's right-hand man. He is somewhat of a flamboyant pretty-boy, but has the strength to back it up. Zarbon is extremely powerful, and when he is outmatched, he has the ability to transform into a huge, brutal monster.